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NEELD ESTATE4th of July Parade & Celebration2023


Our annual 4th of July celebration will take place on Tuesday, July 4th. 
The parade will begin at 10 am.  All parade participants should be lined up by 9:45am at the
corner of Bay Blvd and Bay Pkwy. 
 We hope to see many parade participants this year! 


Parade categories for judging are:

Most Patriotic

Most Original

Best Group

Best Environmental- Chesapeake Bay

Best Girl

Best Boy

Best Pet

Best Golf Cart

Best Wheels (bikes, wagons, rollerblades, etc)

Best Motorized Vehicle

Judge's Choice

**Gentle reminder- Please stay in the line-up during the parade. 
This will help ensure that the judges see all entries.
If the bikes are zooming past, they might miss out on a prize!!


Please join us after the parade on the open field at the corner of Bay Blvd and Shore Dr.
We will have hotdogs, snow cones, games, a pinata, face painting, and more! 
Don't forget your chair!


Thank you to all of our neighbors who have already donated to our 4th of July Celebration! 
We have water, kid drinks, hotdog chili, snow cones, pinata, the grill, and the field lined up!
If you are interested in donating hotdogs, buns, chips, condiments, or anything else just reach out!  


We will have 2024 Neeld Estate Calendars for Sale!  They are $15 and feature a monthly picture taken from our community beach.  Make sure to grab enough to send out to all your relatives!
These will also be for sale at Neeld Estate's Oktoberfest later this year. 


Can't wait to see everyone in their Red, White, & Blue!


Meagan Jeffries

NECA Secretary


July 4, 2021

I want to thank everyone who helped to make our annual 4th of July community event possible. I couldn't have pulled this off without an army of volunteers.



To the HUNTINGTOWN Volunteer Fire Department for always supporting our community and for once again l  leading our parade. We love having you here and you were AWESOME!
To Shirley Surgent for starting our celebration with 
the Pledge of Allegiance and your trivia was a big hit.
To Sandy Geest for supplying our fabulous judges, and many thanks to everyone that judged our parade.
To Mike & Lynn Plitt for the snow cones and use of their grill.
To Rick Mason and Suzanne Oliver for cooking and serving the hot dogs.
To Eve Shoemaker and Keith Griffith for purchasing the hot dogs, rolls and condiments.
To Don & Faye Kleinhen for letting us use their garage and electricity.
To Shirley Surgent and Meagan Jefferies for your fantastic job with the games. 
To Bre Bauer for helping with the Piñatas.  It was pretty funny when the piñata for the older children broke with the first hit! After the kids scrambled to pick up the candy, they had fun just hitting the empty piñata until it fell apart.
To Eve for always being there to help out where ever needed. You Rock!

I also want to THANK the many people who donated money, water, drinks, coolers, ice, and snacks. Your donations helped make this event possible. 
To everyone that helped set-up in the morning and clean-up afterwards - thank you, thank you, thank you!! 
And to MOTHER NATURE for the BEAUTIFUL weather, cool temperatures and low humidity… BEST WEATHER EVER!!!
Our 4th of July parade & celebration has been a tradition in Neeld Estate for over 50 years.
I hope everyone had a good time and created lots of memories.

4th of July Parade & Celebration



DATE:     Saturday, July 3rd 

   *The reason for the date change is a lot of our volunteers will be attending church on Sunday, July 4th.


TIME:  Parade starts at 10:00 am
Line-up at 9:45 am on Bay Blvd & Bay Parkway. 
If you are walking in the parade - line-up on Bay Blvd.   
The Huntingtown Fire Department will be part of our parade again this year. 
Motorized Vehicles -  come down Bay Parkway and line-up starting at the stop sign.  Please leave room for the fire equipment to get by. The parade will start when the fire department arrives.  



If you volunteered to bring donations of drinks or snacks you can bring them on Saturday or drop them off at my house before Friday evening (5116 Bay Parkway- leave on the bench by the garage doors).  Donations still being accepted.  This year we ask that all food be store bought and PRE-PACKAGED Grab 'n' Go items. No home prepared food.   Money donations help with expenses (prizes, paper goods, supplies, etc.)


FESTIVITIES:  Will begin after the Parade in the empty lot at the corner of Bay Blvd. and Shore Dr. NEW LOCATION THIS YEAR 

FLAG CEREMONY:  Shirley will start our celebration with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Prizes are awarded for Parade entries. . .  so start planning - decorate your bikes, vehicles, dress-up, be creative, but most of all have fun!  

Parade Participants - Remember to slow down when passing the Parade Judges so they can make their selections.   Judges Location -  2825 Beach Drive - Sandy & Jay Geest)


50-50 RAFFLE


HOT DOGS - By Donation





 **Categories are subject to change**  

   Most Patriotic

   Most Original

   Best Group

   Best Environmental - Chesapeake Bay

   Best Girl - baby, young & older

   Best Boy - baby, young & older

   Best Pet - (4 legged) Small & Large

   Best Golf Cart

   Best Wheels (children) - Bicycle, Wagon, Other? 

   Best Motorized Vehicle

   Judges Choice 


GAMES - Meagan Jefferies and Shirley Surgent have VOLUNTEERED to run the games - they will need lots of help... please offer.

 **Games may change depending on volunteers** 










  Piñata  - 2 this year - 1 for the younger children and 1 for the older children   ​


This is a large community event and volunteers are needed on Saturday.
Bring a lawn chair and don't forget your sunscreen!

​It's gonna be a FUN DAY!!!

Dorothy Oliver, chairperson



GAMES/Water Balloons:


PARADE - Eve Shoemaker's Video


President -  Jon Norris (

1st Vice President - Chris Moore 

2nd Vice President - Jay Norris 

Secretary - Barbara Hille

Treasurer - Cathy McCully  

NECA Standing Committees

Hilltop House - Sue Coffey

Roads & Drainage - Danny Bauer

Sunshine - Eve Shoemaker

Beach - Jay Geest

Membership - Pam Slaughter

Neighborhood Watch - Sandy Geest

Welcome - Eve Shoemaker

Mosquito Control - open



Shoreline Preservation Committee
Jon Norris, Chairperson


"It's volunteers that make an extra effort every day to strengthen our relationships in the community and help make Neeld Estate a wonderful place to live"

Neeld Estate entrance.jpg



The Neeld Estate Beach is PRIVATELY OWNED by the homeowners of Neeld Estate
and can only be used by Residents of Neeld Estate and their Guests.  

Anyone else is TRESPASSING on Private Property


The entrances to the beach are for loading and unloading your vehicle. 
Please replace the chains when you leave.

Please take the time to read the signs posted at the entrances to the beach
and please be a good neighbor and follow the rules as they are posted.




A Beach Committee has been formed to address the issues of

trespassers parking on private property and using the beach.


Chips Towing - 410-257-6121 or 301-855-8343


© 2024 Neeld Estate

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