Neeld Estate
Charm of the Chesapeake
photo: Eve Shoemaker
The Flood Mitigation Meeting Synopsis from Danny Bauer is posted below.
Also attached are two PDF slide shows that were presented that morning by Dave Brownlee for you to review.
Flood Mitigation Meeting Synopsis:
April 8, 2017, Hilltop House
- Dr. Dave Brownlee gave a presentation on the changes to the critical area and the flood mitigation plan for
Breezy Point and Neeld Estate.
- No members from Breezy Point were in attendance
- The Flood Mitigation Plan has not been adopted. The purpose of this meeting was to gain feedback so the
plan can change before it is adopted.
- The plan does not include any actual changes for mitigation, it just suggests that another study be done to
find mitigation options.
- Funding for mitigation projects is not available from the county
- Don Kleinhen suggested beach replenishment options using dredge spoils from Breezy Point Marina
- Dr. Brownlee stated that this was an option
- Kleinhen brought photos of successful beach replenishment at Long Beach using dredge spoils from Flag
- The county could facilitate a meeting between Breezy Point Marina and NECA.
- The county would not provide funding for beach replenishment activities
- Someone would need to test these spoils for potential health impacts. (not clear who is responsible)
- "Nuisance Flooding"
- The topic of nuisance flooding was brought up in Dr. Brownlee's presentation.
- Neeld Estate Citizens suggested that this flooding was not a "nuisance", but rather a common occurrence
due to the lack of stormwater management and beach erosion.
- It is unclear who is responsible for implementing stormwater best management practices in Neeld Estate
(county or citizens)
- Only Shore Drive has any working stormwater management. Other parts of Neeld Estate have inlet grates
that seem to go nowhere.
- Dr. Brownlee suggested a stormwater study be done.
- Neeld Estate citizens are generally unhappy with this response due to the amount of time and money it
would take to complete this study before any action was taken.
- Additional concerns were raised by multiple homeowners along Beach Drive (Polly Thompson's old
house, Jay and Sandy Geest, etc.) about the amount of plantings that are required in the critical area post
Construction/improvements, beach erosion, and regular flooding
- The county could not provide any insight toward solutions to these problems
- It was suggested that individual citizens plead their case to higher county authorities (i.e. citizens)
- Citizens remarked that they are not adequately notified about public hearings or meetings on issues
relevant to them and often miss important meetings.
- Concerns were raised about sewage holding tanks.
- The county is advising holding tanks on many properties in Neeld Estate
- Citizens are getting answer from MDE that differ from what the county is telling them.
- Citizens are having difficulty finding contractors and systems that will work on their property
- The Bay Restoration Fund is not going away
- After July 1 the county will allow citizens to choose whatever BAT system the desire to install on their
The BRF will still pay the same amount per unit of nitrogen reduced.
- Homeowners may choose a less efficient system based on their needs (property size, lot shape, etc), but
the BRF may not fully reimburse for these different types of BAT systems.
This meeting was scheduled from 10am-12pm. We did not adjourn until almost 2pm. Steve Kullen was in attendance, but was unable to present on the Bay Restoration Fund due to time restrictions. Steve Kullen will be rescheduling.
If you have any questions please feel free to let me know as I may have left out some details.
Thank you,
Danny Bauer